All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in total
The Power of Story by Harold R. Johnson
In this episode, I share what Harold R. Johnson’s book, “The Power of Story: On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era” taught me about being a witch and...

Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George
In this episode, I share what Demetra George’s book, “Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess”, taught me about being a witch and tending to ...

Emily Dickinson's Gardening Life by Marta McDowell
On this episode, I share my journey with a book by Marta McDowell called “Emily Dickinson’s Gardening Life: The Plants and Places that Inspired the Iconic Poet”.Marta ...

Entering Hekate's Cave by Cyndi Brannen
In this episode, I share the magical journey Cyndi Brannen’s book, “Entering Hekate’s Cave: The Journey Through Darkness to Wholeness” took me on. I share with you why...

Welcome to the Podcast
I’m on a quest to learn more about being a modern witch. What better way to educate myself than snuggled up under my fuzzy blanket with a really great book? In this ep...